Inspiration and Tips for the Evolving Woman…
These blogs are my current musings, or about things I have learnt or I am still learning… about self-love, self-care, self-honouring, meditation and mindfulness, how to lead a fulfilling life, feminine power and a lot more. My sincere wish is to support women in being more kind to themselves, believing in themselves and following their Heart’s Desires.
Helen ELizabeth
What I have learnt as I have re-focused my business
These are the lessons I am learning as I “Lead Myself with IMPACT” in my transition from a corporate training business to a boutique empowerment coaching and energy balancing business for evolving women.
When we are feeling stressed or overwhelmed- it can be helpful to have some ‘go to” strategies we know that work for us. We need to have these tools in our “Tool Kit”-so read my blog today- even if you are not feeling “stressed”. These 7 tips will increase your well-being regardless of your current state.
Being a Mindful Leader: 16 Mindful Behaviours for Leaders
Many of you have heard about mindfulness and the many benefits that come from regularly practicing mindfulness meditation (such as reducing the stress response and anxiety, improving focus and concentration and enhancing compassion for self and others). But how does mindfulness relate to you, if you are a leader? In this blog I outline what a mindful leader is and 16 behaviours mindful leaders demonstrate.
What’s really important to you?….
The last 2 months, with a few people close to me recently passing, and others suffering with ill health, I have been revisiting and reflecting on the BIG questions.. “What is really important to me?’ or “What has meaning for me?” and “what do I want to do with my life?”…
This blog looks at these big questions and a simple process you can do to come up with your list of “WORDS to LIVE BY”…a list to act as an everyday guidepost for you to help you live a meaningful, fulfilling life in line with what is most important to you.
The 7 Types of REST to Restore Your Energy!
I have recently had three weeks away from my business, a short holiday and time at home with no 1:1 client Sessions or group sessions.
I feel renewed… I didn’t realise how tired I was… this break has reminded me of how important REST is.
If you are tired, overwhelmed, stressed and no amount of sleep or sitting in front of Netflix renews you – you might want to consider these 7 types of rest and the type of Rest that might re-energise you.
This blog outlines these 7 types of rest and the specific activities that give us each type of rest to restore, renew and re-energise you!
Being an Empowered, Wise Woman
In this blog I outline “23 Acts of Empowerment for Women” i have used for the last 30 years. I hope you are inspired and enjoy! What does being an “empowered and wise woman” mean to you?
Helen Alm
My Life Changing Experience with Reiki and Why I trained to be a Reiki Practitioner
My personal story of the positive impact a series of reiki treatments had on many aspects of my life. This experience prompted me to train to become a reiki practitioner so i could offer my clients this transformational energy balancing modality!
Strengthening your LEADERSHIP PRESENCE
If you are a leader, aspiring leader or someone who wants to have more impact in your work or world, your PRESENCE is fundamental KEY to your success.
I think PRESENCE is an intangible thing.. something that is very hard to describe or articulate.. but when we meet someone who has PRESENCE… we NOTICE it, we FEEL it, we are IMPACTED by it.
Having the title of “Leader” doesn’t give you PRESENCE….and in my quest over many years to understand it and cultivate it, I have unpacked what I believe are 7 key ideas and practices to strengthening PRESENCE.
21 Acts of SELF-HONOUR
If we don’t Honour and Respect ourselves, our time, our energy, our life force, how can we expect others to?
What does SELF HONOUR mean to you? How do you HONOUR YOURSELF now? Read my “21 ACTS of SELF HONOUR”… each action a tangible way to “revere” yourself!
Are you STRESSED? A simple way to relax your body and mind
One of the most simple and powerful ways we can reduce our “Stress Response” and activate the “Relaxation Response” or the "Rest and Digest Mode" is by Lengthening our Exhalation. I call it BOL -Breathe Out Long!
Read this blog to find out how you can use this simple, accessible tool for greater wellbeing, clarity of thought and calmness!
How I lift my mood when I am “down”…
In a recent coaching/reiki session my client said to me "How do you always stay so positive?" and I looked her in the eyes and gently said "I'm not always positive.... I have my down times like everyone does"
This conversation made me ponder about:
• what I do and what I don't do, when I am "down"
• and how I "shift" my energy or mood, or how "it" shifts.....
Here are my SEVEN WAYS TO LIFT YOUR MOOD when you are “down”….
Would like to be more effective in your work, be calmer in dealing with your challenges and be more content in your life?
Read my 5 simple steps to write powerful, DAILY intentions and be more Productive, be more Present and live your life in line with what’s most important to you!
Making YOU a Priority - a fundamental Act of Self-Love
Do you put”yourself” in your calendar, schedule or diary Do you commit time for the activities, that sustain your mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, social well-being? and then HONOUR your COMMITMENT to YOURSELF? Do you make YOU a priority in your day and your life???
10 Keys to Overcoming Self-Doubt and Increasing Self-Confidence
I clearly remember when I was about 33, in the midst of doing intense, life changing deep reflection
and self/professional development, I had the realisation "I will always have some level of self doubt -and that is OK.
I realised that I had to embrace and accept the part of me “that doubted myself” and that being at war with or battling with it, was not going to make it go away.
I could live with my self-doubt AND not let my self-doubt limit me, my life and what I wanted to achieve.
Are you hard on yourself? – give yourself the Gift of Self-Compassion
I have always been pretty hard on myself and the voice in my head (of my inner critic) has been pretty harsh! The voice of being either “not ....enough” OR “too much” ( in my younger days... “not smart enough”, “not witty enough”, “not enough experience”, “not attractive” or “too emotional”, and of course, “too FAT” :) !!!) and more recently, (“not young enough” or “TOO OLD”)!!!