The 7 Types of REST to Restore Your Energy!
I have recently had three weeks away from my business, with two short holidays, and time at home with no 1:1 client Sessions or group sessions.
I feel renewed… I didn’t realise how tired I was… this break has reminded me of how important REST is, how doing the NEW can ENERGISE me, and the different TYPES of REST that can replenish and restore our energy and sense of wellbeing.
Saundra Dalton-Smith in her book “Sacred Rest” suggests there are 7 types of Rest:
Physical Rest…Physical Rest refers to taking a break from physical activity to allow out body to rest and heal and includes both active and passive components. Passive rest includes sleep, napping, having a reiki treatment, having a massage. Active Physical rest include stretching your body, some gentle shoulder rolls, a slow contemplative walk, a relaxing bath, some conscious deep breaths…. any restorative activity that releases tension in your physical body and is nurturing.
Mental Rest…Mental Rest refers to giving your mind a break from cognitive tasks and allowing it to relax and recharge. Activities that constitute mental rest could be listening to music, a 10 minute mindful meditation a “mindful” walk( a walk where you are being present to your surroundings and senses rather than thinking about work, your problems etc), anything that engages the physical senses and takes us out of our “head” and into our body
Emotional Rest… Emotional Rest refers to taking a break or time off to recharge from emotional stressors such as intense feelings of anxiety, sadness or anger. Emotional rest is engaging in any activity that promotes relaxation and reduces emotional tension such as spending time with loved ones, doing activities you enjoy, practicing mindfulness or meditation, or taking a break from caring or stressful responsibilities. Meeting with a therapist or coach and having a conversation about the things that are stressful in your life or are worrying you also can support your emotional rest.
Spiritual Rest.. Spiritual rest refers to taking time to focus on and nurture your spiritual well-being. Spiritual rest occurs when we engage in activities that help us connect with our deeper selves such as meditation, prayer, journalling, reflecting on our values and what is most important to us, spending time in nature, partaking in spiritual practices or rituals or being part of a spiritual community, sacred circle or meditation group.
Creative Rest.. Creative rest refers to taking a break form daily routines and responsibilities to engage in creative activities that bring joy and inspiration. Creative rest is found in finding ways to express your creativity, exploring new ideas and finding or rekindling a hobby you enjoy. Activities such as creative writing, painting, singing, dancing, cooking or baking, sewing, ceramics, woodworking, sculpting, knitting, gardening….whatever creative activity you love to do, that you lose yourself in, that you feel renewed by , provides creative rest.
Sensory Rest… Sensory Rest refers to taking a break from stimuli and sensory input that allows your senses to recharge. It involves reducing the amount of noise, light and other sensory input in your environment to give your brain a chance to rest and recover. Examples of sensory rest involve spending time in a quiet room, turning down the lights and listening to some quiet music, taking a break from TV, computer screens and mobile phone screens, and spending time in nature. Sensory rest can help reduce feelings of overwhelm, improve concentration and focus and better sleep quality.
Social Rest…Social rest is taking a break from social interactions to recharge and rejuvenate. Social rest involves intentionally setting boundaries and giving ourself permission to Say No to social events or engagements when you need a break. Examples of social rest include spending time alone, having a quiet night at home and taking a break form social media. Social rest also includes spending time with people who are important to us, uplift us, support us and energise us!
The good news is that certain activities can give us several of these different types of rest. For example, in my time off from work, I re-connected to my love painting with watercolours in my studio – and have continued to commit time to this now I am back in my business. This activity gives me creative rest, social rest (I have time alone in my studio) and mental rest (I don’t think about my business).
Having a short driving holiday to visit my sisters who live interstate, who I haven’t seen since before the COVID pandemic, “fed my soul”. My connection with my family is important to me, a key value of mine, and so the time away with them was a form of spiritual rest and social rest.
The drive over was quite restful… being in a car with Allan, listening to music, seeing open expanses of land and seeing the horizon, are all forms of sensory rest. And seeing NEW things, being in NEW environments, meeting NEW people along the way, and DOING NEW THINGS always renews and energises me!
So, if you are tired, overwhelmed, stressed and no amount of sleep or sitting in front of Netflix renews you – you might want to consider these 7 types of rest and the type of Rest that might re-energise you.
The other important “piece” in this blog, is that we have to value ourselves enough to commit time to engage in these forms of Rest. It requires us making a choice, putting ourselves first for a bit, saying “No” in our personal life and professional life, “honour ourselves” and creating time and space for ourselves. I know this is not always easy and I could write another whole blog on that!
If you would like help in creating more time for you to rest and have a relaxing and nurturing Reiki session, please consider a one-on-one coaching and reiki session with me!
What type of rest do you think you need more of? Please share your comments with me below.
Copyright © Helen Elizabeth Alm 2023.