Being an Empowered, Wise Woman
Being and Empowered, Wise Woman
23 Acts of Empowerment for Women
When I decided to “rejig” my offerings 6 months ago (with less focus on corporate work and more focus on supporting women one-on-one), I decided to call myself a “Women’s Empowerment Coach”
I must admit, I had some reservations because the term ‘Empowerment”, I think, it is overused, but I realised at 62, I AM an EMPOWERED, WISE WOMAN ….. (and I am old enough to claim the “wisdom” now!!!)
I have been on a journey of “self-empowerment” for over 30 years, and I love to support women in their self-empowerment and their quest to live the lives they TRULY WANT TO LEAD!
So what does BEING an “EMPOWERED, WISE WOMAN” mean? ( I would love to hear your ideas.. please comment below)
For me, being an “empowered, wise woman” means that…
I know I always have choice, I can take action and speak on my own behalf, I accept and like my “imperfect” self (most to the time), I take risks and “back myself”, I make mistakes, and am learning to be compassionate to myself and others. (and here is the wise bit…) I strive to be Present to others, hold space for others (not try and fix everything or give advice, allow people to come to their own conclusions) and Honour others choices, be less judgmental and be more curious… I know that everything changes, that the challenges will pass and the good times will pass…
So, to expand on that… here are my “23 ACTs of EMPOWERMENT and WISDOM for WOMEN”:
KNOW YOURSELF… your strengths, weaknesses, skills, achievements, values, quirks, shadow side. and ACCEPT ALL OF YOU
Know you ALWAYS HAVE CHOICE .. even in the most difficult circumstances (even if the only choice you have is to change your thinking and reactions to what is going on.. this is AN ACT OF POWER… the serenity pray captures this beautifully ….“Grant me the serenity to ACCEPT the things i cannot change, COURAGE to Change the things i can and the WISDOM to know the difference”)
KNOW that things are ALWAYS CHANGING…”The only CONSTANT in life is CHANGE”
BE 100% responsible FOR YOURSELF ( e.g. not to blame, complain, expect someone else to rescue you, be a victim etc)
KNOW and be CLEAR about what you want. ”CLARITY is POWER” and……. KNOW that you won’t always get what you want…..
AND if you don’t know what you want, keep asking yourself the question “What do I want?” (This can be a daily practice…”What do i want, today?”)
BELIEVE you can have what you want, even when if seems impossible, DARE TO DREAM!
BELIEVE you can take action on your own behalf.
HONOUR Yourself, Your Dreams, Your Heart’s Desires, Your Choices, Your Time, Your Body, Your Self Care, your need for Rest…
KNOW YOU ARE WORTHY of anything you truly desire
Make DECISIONS and TAKE ACTION on your own behalf
KNOW YOUR VALUES and what is most important to you
Live your life aligned to what is most important to you
Have a GROWTH MINDSET rather than a fixed mindset (e.g. “I can learn new things, i can change and grow” rather than “I can’t do that”)
Don’t worry about what others think of you, your actions, your choices
Be wlling to take actions in your best interest that others will not like or approve of
Establish CLEAR BOUNDARIES, in all areas of your life
BE WILLING/Have the COURAGE to SPEAK UP on your own behalf
BE SELF-COMPASSIONATE when you don’t speak up and wanted to…
BE WILLING to END relationships and friendships that are not healthy
UNWIND your unsupportive beliefs, behaviours and conditioning that occur from growing up in a patriarchal society (For example the belief and conditioning that somehow women are “Not enough” or “less than”. ) Even with intelligence, awareness, self-development etc this type of conditioning can run deep, be incideous, and impact on women’s wellbeing, careers, relationships, health, success and more….
COMMIT to a 3 minute daily SELF COMPASSION PRACTICE…especially if you have a strong “inner critic”… (some deep breaths, with hands on your heart…talking to yourself kindly… as you would to a dear friend) I believe the path of self compassion is healing and TRANSFORMATIONAL….
If you would like some support in being more empowered, or support with any of the above “Acts” , please consider having a one-on-one session with me or investing in a series of sessions in a one-on-one program… or contact me to have a chat about your challenges and how I perhaps could support you - i would love to connect!
So what does BEING an “EMPOWERED, WISE WOMAN” mean to you? I would love to hear your ideas.. please comment below
Copyright (C) Helen ELizabeth Alm 2023