What’s really important to you?….

Finding your values

What’s really important to you?

Finding your WORDS to live by

The last 2 months I have been reflecting on the questions.. “What is really important to me?”, “What has meaning for me?” and “What do I want to do with my life”… They are BIG questions aren’t they?!!

These are questions I have asked myself periodically over the years, in order to live a life fully, expansively, consciously… To live my life in line with what is most important, in line with my values, and in line with my dreams and my desires…

At 63, and with a few people close to me recently passing, and others suffering with ill health, these questions again have come into focus.  I hope to have another 30+ years of good health ahead of me …but I may not … and I want to make the best use of the time I have.. thus my reflection, again, on these questions.

This may sound depressing. And for those reading this who are under 45, it may not resonate….

These questions led me to write down some KEY words/phrases that can be guideposts for me- (I guess they are “values”) for what’s important and how I want to live my life moving forward.

These words now shape my everyday reality, my interactions, my relationships, my “to-do” list 😊 and my aspirations. I think it is a “living” list, that is, it is the list will change…as I continue to evolve…

Part of me would like to share with you my list, but I think what I want more is to keep this post short and for you to reflect and write your own list of “Words to Live By”, if you feel called.

Here are some guidelines, on how to come up with your own list of WORDS to live by

  • Reflect on any or all of these questions “What is really important to me?” “What activities/interactions have meaning for me?” “What do I want more of?” “What brings me JOY/PEACE/FULFILLMENT?” “What would I regret not doing/being if I knew I was going to die tomorrow?”  Write or jot down bullet points re your thoughts on these questions.

  • Now reflect on your answers and see if you can capture some single words or short phrases that represent what is most important for you in your life.

  • Keep your list short (5-9)

  • The words/phrases are guideposts for your actions and decisions (e.g., SPACIOUSNESS is one of my words – this to me means I don’t overcrowd my environment or my schedule)

  • You can include short phrases (e.g. BEING PRESENT)

  • When you have finalised your list keep it in a place where you can see it

  • Periodically review... are you living your life by these words that are important to you? Do the words need to change???

I am also thinking, as I am writing this, of having a mini workshop in my studio...a Saturday afternoon of reflection on these questions and concepts... “WORDS to LIVE by…” If this interests you, email me helen@helenelizabeth.com.au and if I get 4 or more people, I will make it happen!

Helen Elizabeth

© Helen Elizabeth Alm 2023


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