How I lift my mood when I am “down”…
In a recent coaching/reiki session my client said to me "How do you always stay so positive?"
and I looked her in the eyes and gently said "I'm not always positive.... I have my down times like everyone does"
And this conversation made me ponder about:
how others see me
what I do and what I don't do, when I am "down"
and how I "shift" my energy or mood, or how "it" shifts.....
So here are SEVEN WAYS TO LIFT YOUR MOOD .... you might recognise yourself in the points below, or pick up some new ideas.... (I do think I am a naturally “optimistic person” and I also realise that these tips may not ‘work” or be appropriate if you have depression or anxiety.. if you are suffering with depression or anxiety please consult a health professional)
WAY 1. I take some time to be alone, try and accept my current feelings, not fight it, (but not indulge it) and mindfully "sit with" my feelings and sensations in my body. If the tears come, that is fine... in fact I think that is good!
Practicing Mindfulness helps me to be able to “observe’ my feelings (both the physical sensations and the “story” that can be attached to the feelings) with care and compassion … and practicing mindfulness helps me to know that “everything passes”. I sometimes use a "self-compassion break" (the work of Kristin Neff), I put my hand on my chest and in my head say "May I be kind to myself" and I ask myself, "What do I need to hear right now (from me) to express kindness to myself?
WAY 2. Often my mood (and my self-talk) “goes down” when I am overtired.... or I haven’t had enough time on my own. And once I make this connection in my mind, it helps me to accept and understand my mood… and I know that it will more than likely pass with some rest and time on my own. I then make some time to rest/take a nap/watch a movie..... having time on my own is important for me to recharge.
WAY 3. I "clear" my energy field...I go to the beach or have a bath with bath salts... this both clears my mind and energy field and I usually feel a lot better.
WAY 4. If there is something particularly that is bothering me, I quietly talk with someone I am close to and share my concerns. I do not share with everyone :), just one person I trust ....
Then I get into some action....
WAY 5. If I am overwhelmed with a lot to do, or incompletions, I write a list, then do ONE thing immediately and allocate dates and times to take action on the top priorities.
WAY 6. I write down all the things I am grateful for. I start feeling lighter as soon as I start to write my list, the big, the small and the everyday things .....
WAY 7. I do some cleaning, tidying or de-cluttering..... or some singing (In the car!!) or some dancing in the lounge room, or go to the beach and go for a walk.. or a skip :)…You cannot feel down whilst might feel silly for a minute, but who cares what other people think!!
How do you lift your mood? Do you relate to any of the ways I lift my mood? I would love to hear your thoughts …Please comment below….
Copyright (C) Helen ELizabeth Alm 2023. All Rights Reserved.