Are you STRESSED? A simple way to relax your body and mind
One of the most simple and powerful ways we can reduce our “Stress Response” and activate the “Relaxation Response” or the "Rest and Digest Mode" is by lengthening our exhalation. I call it BOL -Breathe Out Long!
Some of the benefits of the “Relaxation Response” or "Rest and digest" mode are:
muscles become less tense
a feeling of calm is experienced
organ function, such as digestion, occurs normally
the ability to think clearly is enhanced
memory improves
improved concentration
feelings of confidence and calm rather than anxiety and fear
increased mental clarity
better sleep, more restful sleep, easier falling asleep
increased productivity during the day
stress hormones return to normal levels
improved immune system (stress hormones interfere with immune system function, while relaxation improves immunity)
This is such a simple and accessible way for us to combat the “stress response”.
Here are some of the ways I use “Breathe Out Long” or BOL.
· Before I go to sleep: I lie on my back, close my eyes and take 20 conscious deep breaths, in and out, and I make the exhalation longer than the in-breath (E.G., for each breath, breathe in for 4 counts and make the exhalation longer than the inhale, exhale for 6-10 counts)..
· Before I go into a meeting or training or coaching session: I take 10 conscious deep breaths and make the exhalation longer than the in-breath.
· Before any difficult or challenging conversation, the same thing, 10 conscious deep breaths and make the exhalation longer.
You can use this anytime when you are feeling the symptoms of stress – tight muscles, feeling ‘wound up”, headache, overwhelmed, irritable …or better still - practice this 2-3 times every day. Use this simple and accessible tool for greater wellbeing, clarity of thought and calmness!
Please let me know in the comments below, if you try this technique and your expreriences…
Helen Elizabeth
P.S. if you would like further support reducing your stress levels, I offer reiki and coaching sessions and mindfulness meditation classes and sessions.
© Helen Elizabeth Alm 2023