Would like to be more effective in your work, be calmer in dealing with your challenges and be more content in your life?

Today is a New Moon, and an ideal time to set intentions for the month. But we can set intentions daily, to live in alignment with what is most important to us and with what we want to achieve.

I am sure you are familiar with the term "intention"....   a common definition describes intention as a strong purpose or aim, accompanied by a determination to produce a desired result.

But there is an alternate or additional way of thinking about intention that Wayne Dyer researched and describes in his book "the Power of Intention" as a force in the universe that allows the act of creation to take place. This book explores intention - not only as something you do, but an energy field that you are part of and engage in, when setting an intention and declaring your intent. 

I also love how Wayne Dyer describes "seven faces" of the field intention being "creative, kind, loving, beautiful, ever expanding, endlessly abundant and receptive to all".  

Here is the practical application of how to write powerful, DAILY intentions:

Step 1: Get CLEAR about what you want to achieve, create or be today, and be specific.

E.g. " Today, I intend to write and complete my blog post with ease. The ideas flow and it is a joy to do" instead of " I intend to have a productive day". Intention focusses our actions and outputs.    

Intentions can be practical (as in my intention above) or more universal, here are some examples:

  • "Today, I intend to speak gently, act compassionately, and communicate honestly".

  • "Today, I intend to be Present, with my colleagues, team members and loved ones".

  • "Today I intend to be self-accepting, remembering that I am enough”.

  • "Today, I intend to appreciate my life and be grateful".

  • "Today, I intend to complete x with ease”

  • "I intend that my clients will leave their sessions inspired and uplifted"

  • “Today I intend to be calm, clear and composed”.

Step 2:  Write your intentions down. We can think about what we intend but there is power in the writing it down, it become real.  

Step 3: Eliminate words such as trying, hoping, wanting. Write using positive language. e.g. instead of "I intend that I am not stressed" ... write "I intent to be calm and relaxed today".

Step 4: Say your intentions out loud.  There is power in the spoken word. 

Step 5: Make sure your intentions are for the highest good of yourself and anyone else involved.   

So I invite you this week to join me in setting a daily intention in line with your values, goals or aspirations

Keep in Simple, Sweet and Supportive.

And ENJOY being more effective, calm and successful.

Helen :) 

PS Do you already use daily intentions? Let me know below how it impacts your mood, productivity, results or relationships.

Copyright (C) Helen ELizabeth Alm 2023. All Rights Reserved.


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